
Consumption of these foods to keep your bones and teeth healthy

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Keeping the body healthy is one of the most important things we must do. In this case doing various efforts and ways to stay in a condition that is always healthy is a must.

Healthy and Beautiful
One of the things we have to keep is our bones. Then are there any easy tips to keep our bones healthy? In order not to regret when it is old, then keep our bone health early on.

Bone density will decrease with age. As a result there are various complaints from the start osteoporosis (brittle bones) and osteoarthitis or known as bone flu.

Osteoporosis is a decrease in bone density and can cause bones to become brittle and break easily. Therefore, we must maintain good bone health.

Well, how to maintain bone health? Just by eating various types of nutrients, you can maintain bone health.

Healthy Bones

Of course the nutrition we consume is the nutrients needed by the bones. Among the nutrients needed by bone are vitamin D and calcium.

Here are foods that contain calcium and vitamin D which is a major component in bone formation.

Walnuts In addition to chicken claws, also eat walnuts. Walnuts are useful to increase body strength because walnuts contain alpha linoleic acid. In addition, walnuts are also very useful for the body because it contains omega 3.
Nuts and Carrots The next food that can maintain bone health is nuts and carrots. Nuts such as sunflower seeds, almonds and pistachio nuts contain calcium that can be used as an option. For example, almonds. Almonds have potassium content that is able to protect the body from lack of calcium. Nuts also contain various types of nutrients that are important for bone health as well as grains. As for carrots, the vegetables are beta carotene alpha cryptosantin and beta carotene are good for bone health. How to mengomsusinya? You can eat it directly raw or can be used as a salad. Milk Well, lastly to maintain bone health you can consume milk. Milk is an important element for bone because it contains vitamin D. In addition, milk is also a major source of the calysum.

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