
How To Face Skin With Face With Potato

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One of the characteristics of the face is always synonymous with beautiful skin is a smooth white face. Although there are also some who like the color of their exotic brown skin, in fact, more than half of women prefer a white skin is smoother than the face with brown.

It's natural indeed, because the white skin that gives the impression of cleaner, healthier, more youthful and more shining on a person's face. Therefore the women are willing to perform various treatments to get skin white and bright.


For those who have enough budget for the cost of treatment in beauty salons, then they are willing to entrust their skin beauty to salon technicians to get a smooth white skin, one of them by passing vitamin C injection or facial peeling treatment.

Some people dare to try the beauty products sold in cosmetics stores. As we know, the more days the more beauty products offer the benefits of getting skin white and bright. We women who do have the instinct to look beautiful would be easily tempted by these products.

But keep in mind, not all products in circulation is a safe product for us to use. Most of these products even have some side effects that could endanger our health. So do not easily tempted by the cheap price and instant results for facial skin. Because our face is very valuable and not a trial and error

If you want to get white and shining facial skin but do not want to be expensive and risk side effects, white skin care with natural ingredients this one is mandatory you try.

Natural ingredients in question is potatoes. Before we discuss we discuss how to whiten face by using potatoes, we first identify this type of plant and its benefits in health.

Potato and its benefits in health
Potato with latin name Solanum Tuberosum L is a plant of the Solanaceae tribe is a type of plant that has edible stems tubers. Potatoes contain lots of nutrients such as carbohydrates, starch sources, vitamins, protein and fiber.

With these ingredients, potatoes are not only delicious to eat but beneath the delicious taste is stored many health benefits, including:

  • First, to keep blood sugar levels because it is one source of low carbohydrate glucose levels that can be a source of carbohydrates for diabetics.
  • Second, keep your immune because potatoes contain many antioxidants.
  • Third, reduce the absorption of dietary cholesterol and lower LDL bad cholesterol.
  • Fourth, preventing bowel polyps disease and cancer.
  • Fifth, potatoes contain anti-cancer compounds. Antioxidant flavonoids and qiercetin in potatoes have anti-cancer properties and cardio-protective properties.
  • Sixth, potatoes contain anti-cancer substances. Antioxidant flavonoids and quercetin in potatoes have anti-cancer properties and cardio-protective properties.
  • Seventh, efficacious to whiten the face.
  • Eighth, get rid of acne

Benefits of potatoes to whiten skin

Why can potatoes whiten facial skin? This is because the potatoes have some of the ingredients needed to form a healthy, natural and vibrant skin. Nutritional content such as vitamin C is already commonly known as one good vitamin to brighten the skin from within.

In addition, potatoes also contain antioxidants that are high enough to prevent skin from radiation and free radical threats. The antioxidant types of ceratoids and flavonoids in potatoes can also inhibit excessive exposure of UV light from the sun, reducing the sun's pigmentation process.


How to use potatoes as a natural face bleach

Well now we go to the most you've been waiting for is how to whiten facial skin by utilizing potatoes.

To utilize the potatoes as a natural skin bleach ingredients, you must first clean the potatoes that will be used. Then cut into pieces so the potatoes are easy to smooth. Blend the potatoes with a blender, add a little egg whites or honey. Clean your face and apply the potato mask on your face.

Such are the benefits and ways of potatoes for facial bleach. Good luck.

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