
This man claimed not to eat or drink for 70 years!

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An 82-year-old Indian from India named Prahlad Jani admitted to not eating or drinking at all for 70 years. Many people think of his story as a lie, but Indian military doctors are curious and try to test it.

Reporting from NBC News, doctors continue to check the condition of health and daily activities of the man for 2 weeks in the hospital. The result is, in that time, Prahlad did not eat any food or drink but still in a fit state.

Health expert dr. Michael Van Rooyen of Harvard's Brigham and Women's Hospital who has studied people who tend to eat less and drink mentions that humans can survive without any food or drink for 5-6 days. It's just that, if someone takes a supplement that contains vitamins or electrolytes, then the body will still be able to survive for up to 3 months without eating and drinking.

For information, until now the longest record held by humans to not eat any food still held Bobby Sands from Ireland who died on the 66th day when the hunger strike in 1981 ago.

Although Prahlad confidently claims he does not eat or drink anything, dr. van Rooyen was convinced that although only occasionally, Prahlad must have consumed a certain drink or food.

"The human body will not be able to survive without any food or drink. This is caused by the body will metabolize the fat if we do not eat any food and eventually make the muscle weaker and change the chemical constellation in the body. This condition will trigger liver failure, heart attack, and tachycardia capable of eliminating lives, "said dr. van Rooyen.

"The body needs water to avoid dehydration. If you do not consume any drink, your blood pressure will fall and your blood will become thick. This will trigger kidney failure is very deadly, "added dr. Rooyen.

Many doctors consider the story of Prahlad as a hoax, but in reality, the story is still quite confusing to the medical world.

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