
Various types of allergies based on the cause - health

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Allergy is the body's excessive reaction to a substance or object that normally does not cause disease. There are various allergies that can arise and cause health problems.

Allergies arise because of contact with certain allergic triggers. This substance is called allergen. When contact occurs, allergic reactions will occur because the immune system considers allergens to be harmful to the body, even though the substance is actually not dangerous.

Various types of allergies that can occur

So that you do not mistakenly recognize allergies suffered, the following types of allergies usually occur:

1.Food allergies

Food allergy is a reaction of the immune system after consumption of certain foods that trigger allergies. Allergic reactions in the form of itchy skin and mouth, lips and face experience swelling, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, until breathing is difficult.
This condition will appear after a person consumes certain foods that trigger allergies. Foods that often cause allergies include eggs, milk, nuts, fish, shellfish, wheat, and soybeans.

2.Skin allergy

Skin allergies occur when allergens that trigger allergies come into contact with the skin. Allergic reactions in the form of reddened skin, rashes, itching, until swelling, usually will occur after physical contact with the substance. Allergens that can trigger skin allergies are very diverse, ranging from pollen, nickel metal, creams applied to the skin, certain plants, latex, to beauty products or cleaning products that contain certain substances.

3.Dust allergy

Dust is one of the substances that can cause allergies. In addition to dust, dust allergic reactions can be caused by mites or fleas, pet dung, dead cockroaches, and spores. A person who experiences dust allergies will usually experience watery eyes, red eyes, itching, sneezing, itchy and stuffy nose, after exposure to substances that trigger allergies. To overcome dust allergies, it is advisable to keep the cleanliness of the surrounding environment well. Use a mask when cleaning the house.

4Medicine Allergy

Drug allergy is an overreaction of the immune system to drugs consumed. Medicines consumed are considered by the body to be harmful. There are many types of drugs that can trigger allergies, including antibiotic drugs such as penicillin, pain relievers such as aspirin, chemotherapy drugs to treat cancer, and drugs to treat autoimmune diseases. We recommend that you consult a doctor immediately if you feel an allergic reaction after taking the drug, such as skin rashes, hives, fever, swelling, wheezing breath, watery eyes and shortness of breath.

The main principle of treatment for allergies is to identify the cause of allergies and stay away from the allergic factors. To treat disturbing complaints, antihistamine medicines can be given to reduce itching. As for severe allergies the doctor may also give corticosteroid medication.

Of the various allergies above, allergic reactions that appear will be different for each person. Although generally allergic reactions do not endanger lives, you need to be aware of the occurrence of anaphylactic reactions. Although rare, anaphylactic reactions should be watched out because they can be life-threatening if they are not treated immediately. This condition is characterized by difficulty breathing, weakened pulse, increased heart rate and paleness.

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