
Ways to Connect Intimately to Not Get Pregnant

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Ways not to get pregnant - Some couples deliberately delay pregnancy because they want to focus on various other things first. In addition, delaying pregnancy is also usually done to maintain the child's age distance from one another. To prevent this pregnancy, it does not mean that the couple will not have sex at all.

To prevent pregnancy, couples can easily get contraceptives. However, if you are one of those people who do not want to use contraception when having sex, then you can find the best time to do it so you are not pregnant.

1. How to not get pregnant - After menstruation

Menstrual cycle every woman varies from 21 days to 31 days. This cycle begins with the first day of the month. This means the last day of this cycle is the day before menstruation begins. On the first day of menstruation this is the wall of the uterus decomposes and causes menstrual bleeding. After this bleeding stops, the beginning of ovulation begins. The initial phase of ovulation is what is called a woman's fertile period so that if we have sex at this time, the chances of getting a pregnancy are very large.

If you do not want to get pregnant while having sex, be sure to calculate exactly when the opportunity is to get the smallest pregnancy. During menstruation, it is very unlikely that a woman will become pregnant. However, we certainly should not have sex during this time, right?

Luckily, health experts say that 1 or 2 days after this menstrual phase is over is a period where the chances of getting a pregnancy are very low. This is caused by the absence of new eggs released in a woman's body. Indeed, sperm can still live in the body until a few days later, however, if there is no egg released, it is unlikely that we will get a pregnancy.

Understanding the female reproductive cycle
Understanding the Women's Reproduction Cycle This means that you have to know when you are in the fertile period so it is not related to avoiding conception that causes pregnancy. The fertile period of a woman is when the egg cells that are released by the ovary to the cervix are ripe and ready to be fertilized.

These eggs will be ready to wait for the next 12-24 hours to meet sperm cells. If sperm comes and manages to find this mature egg, fertilization occurs, the egg then attaches itself to the uterine wall - meaning you are pregnant. But if the egg does not meet the sperm cell within 12-24 hours after the release time, then the egg cell will be removed from the uterus by the body through a process called menstruation.

Ovulation is when an egg is released from the ovary and begins towards the fallopian tubes or cervix. The woman's fertile period is when the egg is ripe and ready to be fertilized, is within the ovulation period

2. Ways not to get pregnant - Using condoms while fertile

Having sex during fertility without fear of getting a pregnancy is using a condom. Condom contraceptives can prevent the flow of sperm into the uterus and cause pregnancy. Compared to ways to not get pregnant to calculate the menstrual calendar, this method proved to be more effective.

There are not many people who can accurately calculate the ovulation cycle and menstruation of a woman, this method certainly still has a risk of getting a pregnancy when compared to the use of contraception which is certainly more guaranteed.

3. How to not get pregnant - intercourse breaks

Pregnancy will occur when sperm cells meet an egg in a woman's uterus and eventually fertilize into a fetus. If using condoms is felt to reduce sexual pleasure and stimulation, then intercourse breaks is one way to not get pregnant after sexual penetration. Breaking intercourse requires shrewdness of the male partner in holding the sperm out during intercourse.

Sperm will be excreted outside the vagina so the female partner is not pregnant despite having a unprotected intercourse. However, intercourse breaks does not guarantee pregnancy loss after intercourse. Because men often experience premature ejaculation that is unwittingly.

One of the best ways to not get pregnant is to have sex with a condom. How to make love without a condom is not pregnant is still a debate until now.

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