The most phenomenal benefits of tea are one of the most popular for women to lose weight. Tea is a favorite drink during banquets or just being a snack friend in Indonesia. Behind the simplicity of a cup of tea, it turned out to save many benefits that make us love tea more. Before reviewing more about the benefits of drinking tea, it's good to review the tea content.
The content of compounds in tea
- Caffeine - Of course, the caffeine contained in tea is far less than coffee.
- Polyphenols - A type of antioxidant bioflavonoids which contain 25 times more effective than vitamin E and 100 times in vitamin C.
- Essential Oil - Its protein plays a role in the formation of aroma in tea.
The benefits of tea are quite a lot for health and some of its benefits are also used for beauty.
1. Tea to dissolve fat
The content of essential oils contained in tea can provide benefits to dissolve fat and facilitate digestion.
2. Lose Weight
Weight-related, a study in 2011 in the Obesity Journal found that mice given a high-fat diet and given compounds found in green tea had a slower growth rate than mice that were not given the compound.
Findings from this study indicate that green tea extract can actually interfere with fat formation in the body that can gain weight. But it's important for you to know that instant green tea should be avoided, because it contains lots of sugar, it's better to boil your own green tea.
3. Reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke
The content of polyphenols in tea can help reduce cholesterol levels and blood sugar pressure, which is one of the causes of heart disease and stroke. Unwanted blood clots are formed from cholesterol, in large amounts will cause heart attacks and strokes. The content of flavonoids quercetin, kaempferol, and myricetin in tea can reduce blood pressure and hardening of the arteries that are directly proportional to heart health.
Drinking tea can help keep your arteries free of blockages, this can also make urination more regular. A study from the Netherlands found that drinking 2-3 cans of black tea every day reduced the risk of 70% of fatal heart attacks than people who did not drink tea.
4. Protect bones
A study comparing tea drinkers with non-drinkers found that people who drank tea for 10 years or more had stronger bones, even after adjusting for age, weight, exercise, smoking and other risk factors. The researchers argue that the content of phytochemicals is a substance that can help protect this bone.
5. Prevent Cancer
Polyphenols, the antioxidants found in tea have a cancer-fighting effect. But for the benefits of tea this one is still not so convincing because there are still some studies that have a positive and negative impact.
6. Increase body metabolism
Green tea contains catechin polyphenols which are beneficial to increase energy expenditure in the body because it is warm to the body (thermogenesis). Fats that are rapidly oxidized and insulin sensitivity help increase metabolism in the body.
7. Improve dental health
Polyphenols are very effective as bacterial killers due to plaque attached to teeth. Plaque on the teeth causes cavities and causes problems in the gums.
8. Eliminate Sleepiness
Tea has caffeine content which we all know can reduce sleepiness, even at night. No wonder you have trouble sleeping because you consume high amounts of tea during the day.
9. Prevent Diabetes
Research conducted in 2010 reviewing various caffeinated teas found that caffeine in tea can help in reducing the risk of developing diabetes.
10. Improve mood (moodd booster)
Are you stressed? or not in the mood? A cup of black tea is the powerful weapon you need. One study concluded that black tea really helped reduce stress hormone levels in study participants. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that six months of consumption of black tea lowers systolic blood pressure.
11. Fight free radicals
Tea has a high ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) content, this is one way to destroy free radicals (which can damage DNA) in the human body. This damage caused by free radicals can be associated with cancer, heart disease and nerve degeneration
Benefits of Tea for Beauty
The benefits of tea turned out not only to health problems, but also to beauty.
1. Hair
Precipitated green tea can be used to make hair radiant and healthy. Deposits as long as they can be washed away on the hair, wait a few minutes then rinse with shampoo. Pathenol in green tea helps reduce damaged and branched hair.
2. Face
Benefits of Tea as a source of antioxidants help protect your face and eyes. Tea-based masks can prevent dryness of the skin. Compressing the underside of the eye with tea, can reduce the bag. Tannins in tea can give freshness to the skin around the eyes.
3. Body
Antioxidants as an antidote to free radicals are needed to prevent the formation of wrinkles. Avoid free radicals by consuming green tea regularly.
Although the benefits of tea are very much for health, but you must be aware of the side effects caused by excessive consumption of tea.
Tea Side Effects
Tea, has a high caffeine content so you have to pay attention to the side effects that will be caused.
- Tea can cause you difficulty sleeping at night. Excessive consumption of tea can cause insomnia, because of the caffeine content
- Can accelerate heart rate. This caffeine content can also speed up the heart rate, quite dangerous if you experience chronic heart disease.
- For pregnant women, excessive consumption of caffeine is also not good for the fetus.
Now by understanding these three side effects, you can consume tea naturally and not excessive which can endanger your health.