
10 Causes of Sudden Death to Humans

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10 Causes of Sudden Death to Humans

No man knows how long his age will be. Sometimes we are often shocked by the conditions in which a person dies and experiences death, but it has never been heard that the person has a history of chronic disease.

cause of sudden death Death is caused by many things, there are causes that come from within the body, caused by malfunctions of organs in the body. Something also happens because of external factors, such as accidents. Therefore, we as human beings, must be able to be aware of the signs and symptoms that endanger, to cause sudden death. Because basically almost all instances where a person experiencing sudden death comes from patterns and lifestyle, even though they do not have a history of chronic diseases.

In some conditions can cause a person experiencing kematia sudden. The following are some conditions that can cause a person to experience sudden death:

1. Overdose

One of the important causes of sudden death experienced by humans is an overdose aka excess doses of certain drugs. Usually an overdose is associated with illegal drugs and other types of drugs. But it is not impossible, the excess of the dose of these drugs, medically permitted medicines can cause sudden death.

Overdose will cause a weakening of the body condition and cause immediate death shortly after an overdose condition. There have been many occurrences of sudden deaths caused by overdose conditions, and most overdoses occur due to the consumption of illegal drugs or drugs.

2. Excessive stress and depression

Do not underestimate the stress and burden of thoughts experienced by a person. We never know how severe the condition of stess and the burden of one's mind. Some cases note that the cause of sudden death can be caused by unstable mental state, stress and full of the burden of the mind. This can affect two things:

  • Psychosomatic, namely the occurrence of a disorder of health and certain organs caused by psychological conditions, such as stress and depression
  • Suicide, The thing done by people who experience this acute stress, because they no longer know what to do to improve his life.

3. Blockage of blood vessels

The cause of sudden death in other humans is the presence of a blockage of blood vessels, which causes the organs of the body to experience a shortage of blood supply and also oxygen supply. This will cause some of the possibilities and the worst possibility of sudden death due to cessation of heart work that does not receive adequate blood supply. Usually this blood vessel blockage occurs because:

  • Unhealthy lifestyles, such as cigarettes and alcohol
  • Chronic pain that is not felt, such as diabetes and high blood (hypertension)

4. Thickening of the heart muscle (cardiomyopathy)

Another cause of sudden death is the presence of a thickening of the jantng muscles or the term in the medical world known as cardiomyopathy.

With the thickening of the heart muscle, it will cause the heart becomes difficult to pump blood. With the difficult conditions of the heart in pumping blood, the muscle, blood supply and other cell cells to all the organs will be reduced. This condition usually occurs and is one cause of sudden death, especially in those aged 30s.

5. Abnormalities in heart beat rhythm (arrhythmias)

Arrhythmias are a condition in which abnormalities occur in heart beat rhythms. This condition occurs because of hereditary factors, causing the sufferer to experience abnormalities in the rhythm of his heartbeat and will cause the cause of sudden death if not handled properly.

6. Rupture of blood vessels

Another cause of sudden death is the rupture of blood vessels. Blood vessels can occur anywhere, and the worst when it occurs in the brain and blood vessels of the heart. This will cause sudden death. Usually, rupture of blood vessels can occur due to several things, among others:
  • Blood vessel disorders
  • Air pressure is changing
  • Hypertension
  • Stress and depression

Epilepsy (epilepsy) is one type of disease whose main cause is not yet known for certain. But the characteristics of epilepsy and the symptoms that arise from this disease is that the sufferer will experience seizures and can not move for some time. Under severe conditions when relapse, the disease can cause sudden death.

8. Head trauma

Be careful with your head, as many sudden deaths are caused by the traumatic conditions experienced by the head. This can usually happen because of accident factors, such as falling or being hit with a hard object. With the trauma to the head, there may be a condition of ruptured blood vessels in the head, or even in parts of the brain, which can cause sudden death.

9. Accident

The accident factor is also one cause of sudden death. Accidents are one incident that we can not foresee, thus becoming one of the causes of sudden death in humans. Although not all accidents can cause sudden death. Only a few accidents, especially those that result in severe bleeding and also trauma to certain body parts that will cause sudden death.

10. Heart attack

Heart attacks are also one cause of death that often occurs in the community. It is also often known as coronary heart disease. Usually people who experience a heart attack, especially in the severe phase will experience sudden death.

How to prevent sudden death?

To prevent sudden death, there are many things you need to consider, including:

  • Consumption of foods that are nutritious and healthy
  • Budayakan healthy lifestyle
  • Always consult a doctor or paramedic when feeling unusual body symptoms
  • As much as possible avoid stress and depression conditions
  • Be careful not to have an accident that can cause sudden death

Those are some of the causes of sudden death. Hopefully this article useful.

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