
27 Most Deadly Diseases in the World

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Death must be true for all living people. Who lives will surely die. Death is a condition where all our organs are no longer functioning. Death can be caused by an accident or disaster that afflicts a person or even the most frequently due to disease factors that cause the dysfunction of our vital organs.

the most deadly diseases in the world. Self-illness is an abnormal state that attacks one's physical and soul. Who gets the disease must feel the condition of his body is not comfortable. Especially if any of our organs are damaged it will cause great pain. Damages to the organ will affect other organs.

Like a system, our bodies are composed of units of organs that have interconnected functions between one organ and the other. Therefore, the arrival of a disease that damages one of the organs potentially trigger damage to organs other than that. If this damage is more complex then it will adversely affect the body to cause death.

So it is necessary if we know the diseases that the signal has a high lethality potential. Thus we will be more introspective to avoid or prevent the disease so as not to damage our bodies. These are the 27 most deadly diseases in the world:

1. Ischemic Heart Disease / Coronary Heart.

The deadliest disease in the world we may be able to pin it on coronary heart disease, it is infinite the sufferer who died suddenly because of this disease. This disease is also known as coronary artery disease. Discovery site reports say that 1 in 100 people worldwide are potentially exposed to the disease, especially for adult males.


  • Rarely exercise
  • High cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • Eat foods that contain saturated and oily fats
  • The process of turning off the sufferer

This disease makes blockage of blood flow and oxygen to the heart. If that happens it will cause myocardial infarction of the heart. We know that the heart has a central function in draining the blood that carries the oxygen that other organs require to our brains. If the function of the heart is damaged then the function of other organs will have a systemic impact as well, to make the destruction of all organs that have the potential to bring death. This coronary heart disease is very horrible, can kill in a very short time, for it knows the early symptoms of coronary heart is necessary to avoid this deadly disease.


  • Consumption of vegetables and fruits regularly
  • Consumption of foods containing high fiber
  • Diligent exercise
  • Reduce fatty meat foods

Read: First aid of sudden cardiac arrest - How to keep heart healthy - Symptoms of Heart Disease - Healthy Food For Heart

2. Serebrovascular Disease (Stroke)

Stroke is a killer who also can not be considered one eye, because the more modern, it turns out the sufferer continues to increase.

Causes of Stroke

  • Less exercise
  • High fat foods
  • High blood pressure
  • Cholesterol
  • The Deadly Process of Suffering

This disease is caused due to disruption of brain function that is damaged because the blood flow to the brain is not smooth or even clogged. If the brain does not get the oxygen and blood intake it will make brain cells die. Can you imagine if our brain does not work anymore, As we know that the brain is the control of all our organs both conscious and unconscious.


  • Diligent exercise
  • Foods rich in fiber such as fruits and vegetables
  • Reduce fatty foods
  • Routinely check your cholesterol.


Merupakn stands for Human immunodeficiency virus. This disease will weaken our immune system. It can even make our immune capabilities drop dramatically to the lowest point.

Causes of aids:
  • Free sex
  • Syringe
  • Drug consumption
  • The process of turning off the sufferer

With a low immune will make a simple illness like a flu alone can be very deadly for the sufferer. T cells and CD4 are the body cells that function to ward off disease, the HIV virus attacks the cells to make them no longer work. This means that if the T cells and CD4 have not worked then the slightest illness is easy to attack our bodies to bring death.

How to prevent aids:

  • Use a contraceptive
  • Do not keep changing partners
  • Always use a new syringe.

Also read: Characteristics of hiv aids - Abstinence of hiv aids - HIV Danger AIds - How to treat HIV Aids - Symptoms of Hiv aids

4. Acute lower respiratory tract infection (ARI)

According to research in the United States that this acute lower respiratory infection is the most deadly infection than any other infection.

Issue Cause:
  • Density of dwelling
  • Forest fires
  • Air pollution
  • The process of turning off the sufferer

Even in these 5 decades in the United States, the deaths from these infections have increased significantly. Colds, sneezing, headaches, and throat are symptoms of the disease. This infection interferes with the respiratory system of a person so that makes breathing activity becomes difficult, even if late handled will cause a person to stop breathing which means lead to death. Infection of the lower airways of this range occurs at the age of the children.


  • Use air vent at home
  • Avoid fire areas
  • Avoid air pollution
  • Read: How to prevent ispa - Symptoms of ispa

5. Perinatal Complications

This disease is only experienced by pregnant women when pregnant or during childbirth. From the results of research, found that every year about 500 thousand women die from these perinatal complications. This form of complications includes bleeding, infection, and unsafe abortions.

It is unexpected that in Indonesia too is deadly because these perinatal complications start high right now. Knowledge of pregnancy and pregnancy outside of marriage is also the cause which makes it one of the killers who started "Sadis".

6. Diarrhea

Maybe diarrhea is considered a fairly simple disease, even diarrhea medicine is easy to be in the pharmacies without prescription. But in developing countries, the deaths caused by diarrhea are quite high especially for the age of children around 2.6 million people each year.

Causes of diarrhea:
  • Unhealthy food and environment
  • Food poisoning
  • Milk allergy
  • Lack of immune system
  • The process of turning off the sufferer

This disease causes injury, allergies fructose germs, lactose or even excess vitamin C. This disease interfere with the digestive system of a person, or even weaken the physical condition of the sufferer to feel very weak. Incoming foods also often cause nausea. Although it seems simple, Diarrhea is quite destructive food patterns assault to make the intake of nutrients the body needs is not sufficiently well.

  • Eat nutritious food
  • Check the cleanliness of the environment
  • Give foods that have not been contaminated with chemicals

Read: Diarrhea Foods - Dangers of diarrhea - How to treat diarrhea - Symptoms of diarrhea - How to cope with diarrhea - Diarrhea and vomiting

7. Tuberculosis (TB)

Commonly referred to as TBC, is a disease caused by bacteria mycobacterium tibercullosis. According to WHO, already a third of the world's population affected by this disease. Even the largest number occurred in ASEAN reached 33% of the total cases worldwide. This disease attacks the lungs, although sometimes also attacks other organs. The spread is quite easy ie air contact between patients with others. That's what causes the disease is a dangerous disease.

Read: Causes of TB - How to prevent TB - Symptoms of TB - Symptoms of TB Cough

8. Malaria

It is caused by plasmodium parasite cells. Malaria is transmitted by the mosquito carrying the parasite cell, through its bite. Once bitten by these mosquitoes, the parasir cells will flourish and damage the red blood cells. The initial symptoms will make the patient sick easily like influenza but if handled late will cause death. This disease kills one child every 30 seconds every year. Most occur in Africa especially affecting the age of children.

Read: How to prevent malaria - Malaria symptoms - The cause of malaria

9. Cancer

Can also with heat neoplasm disease, a cell cycle disorder that grows rapidly and uncontrollably. If the growth continues to occur will attack and damage the organs around the growth. Cancer has caused deaths of about 25% of deaths worldwide. Even every year, there are about 0.5% of the population of the earth that suffer from this disease.

10. COPD

The abbreviation is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This disease makes the sufferer so hard to breathe. WHO states that this disease is the fifth leading cause of death in the world. COPD has two forms. The first is a long-term cough accompanied by sputum. The second, emphysema, lung damage that occurs slowly. Most people with COPD experience a combination of both.


Can also be called blood cancer is a disease caused by the growth of blood forming cells in the spinal cord and lymphoid tissue, usually occurs in white blood cells. The number of white blood will actually mengganggun the function of other blood cells. 90% of people with this disease are adults.


This disease is disebebakan by Ebola virus. The death rate is 80 to 100%. Ebola is currently quite a deadly disease in the world. If it is affected by this disease then hope to live 0%. Because until now the vaccine has not been found. When infected with this virus, the patient can die or intermittent 6 to 20 days.

13. Brain Tumor

As we know that the brain is a very important organ. The brain that is the center of control of all our organs. Brain tumors can damage our brain cells. Brain tumors can attack all ages, but usually most commonly affect adulthood.

14. Heart attack

Myocardial infraction (MI) in English. Where causes the cessation of blood flow in the body. Although momentarily, a heart attack can result in some heart cells to die. From year to year, the number of janutug disease sufferers is increasing. The disease is caused by unhealthy lifestyles.

15. Swine flu

In international medicine known as swine influenza. The disease is caused by olel virus orthomyxoviridae contained in the body of pigs. Transmission can be through when directly touching a pig or between humans that one of them has been infected. Symptoms include fever, stiff joints, nausea, vomiting, and even fainting to death.

16. Bird Flu

Avian Influenze or bird flu is an infectious disease caused by viruses carried by birds and mammals. Usually after infection, the patient will experience a high fever, pain in the respiratory tract. The growth of this virus in the body is very fast, so require medical help quickly.

17. Diabetes

Often also called diabetes mellitus. In 2012 alone has caused the death of 1.5 million people. This disease attacks the blood function. Sugar content that is too much in the blood can damage the organs in the body. The cause of this disease can be caused by diabetes, glucose transporter deficiency, and abnormal sekrese hormone insulin.

Main Causes of diabetes: Food and Drinks with artificial sweetener & Rarely exercise


Is a contagious disease that occurs in the digestive tract. The disease is caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholera. Transmission can be because drinking water or from the food we eat contains impurities. In the world, 5 million people have been affected by this disease and 100 thousand of them die each year.

19. Smallpox

Smallpox has become a highly contagious disease and became the world's attention in the 20th century. History has shown that smallpox is a major pain that causes death. Almost 500 million people have died from this disease. Smallpox causes our immune system to weaken, which if not handled can cause death. But now smallpox vaccine has been found. Therefore now the number of deaths caused by smallpox has begun to decrease.

Read: How to prevent chickenpox - Causes of chicken pox - Treat chicken pox - How to eliminate chicken pox - Symptoms of chicken pox - Chicken pox in children

20. whooping cough

Also known as Pertussis. In certain countries this disease is known as bauk 100 days. It is reported that every year 48.5 million people suffer from this disease, 295 thousand of them cause death.

21. Meningitis

This disease results in inflammation of the protective membranes of the brain and spinal cord. Symptoms are a headache and neck feels stiff, and usually in barengi also with a fairly high fever. The severity of this disease makes the consciousness decreases and difficult to receive the stimulation of sound and light.

22. Pes

Spread by rodents like rats. This disease is known as zoonosis. This pes has killed 2/3 of the people infected with this disease. In medieval times, pes is known as the most deadly disease. This disease causes death lapse 4 days after the patient is exposed to bites of mice infected with this virus.

23. Anthrax

The disease is quite deadly and transmission is quite easy that is through land and air. This disease is caused by bacteria Bacillus anthracis. In Indonesia itself, especially in Bogor, the disease is transmitted because of anthrax spores that are carried through the flood. If this bacterium has been in the body for 2 hours it will attack the intestines, lungs, or even the brain. If the delay is handled then the patient will die within one to two days later. (Read: Rat urine hazard - Rat bite hazard - Flood-related disease)

24. Hepatitis

This disease attacks the liver or liver. Hepatitis there are 3 kinds, hepatitis A, B, and C. all three are caused by virus attacks. Hepatitis A is the lightest, and hepatitis B is quite dangerous and contagious.

Read: Types of Hepatitis - Hepatitis B - Causes of chronic hepatitis

25. Lupus

This disease attacks the immune system that interfere with the health of our bodies. The symptoms are chest will hurt so that cause hard breathing. Indeed this disease attacks the skin, but slowly this disease also attacks other organs also in the human body.

Read: Characteristic features of mild lupus - The cause of lupus

26. Tetanus

Often hear people hit by used nails and died? well one of the causes is this tetanus disease. If not immediately given antibiotics, it is feared could have a fatal impact resulting in death. Infections are generally caused by stab wounds or rusted objects. Tetanus is very dangerous and should not be considered trivial as it will cause contractions in the muscles causing death

Read: The cause of tetanus - The danger of tetanus

27 Syphilis

One of these sexually transmitted diseases was very deadly. One of the sexually related diseases is syphilis, commonly affecting many males versus females. This disease is very dangerous and tends to cause death. The disease is contagious from sexual intercourse.

Well that's 27 of the world's deadliest diseases we need to be aware of, why are they lethal? because they tend to be the biggest cause of death in the world.

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