
10 Tips to Solve Striking Flu Problems

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Top 10 Tips for Dealing with Flu Problems - Flu or colds are a type of disease that often attacks when the season and weather is uncertain, sometimes hot sometimes cold or sometimes spatter. Flu very quickly spread from one person to another through either air or by direct contact.

Flu is often a problem in life because it can inhibit our activity, although colds and flu is not a disease that is too dangerous, still should be given special attention in order not to happen things that are not in want. Here are some quick ways to cope with the flu with natural and traditional.

10 Tips to Solve Striking Flu Problems

1. Onion

 When the flu of the fluid nose comes out continuously and very disturbing, to overcome this liquid you can use onions, onions can be useful as a catalyst. Take the onion and put it for 5 minutes to keep the nasal congestion unclogged and smooth.

2. Elevate sleeping pillows

Rest or sleep is important during flu diseases. In the rest you should raise the pillow, place some pillows on the head onion so that the head is higher than the chest. This can stop the production of nasal mucus.

3. Using steam therapy

Steam therapy can be an alternative in treating colds or colds. Hot bodies, clogged noses and colds can be overcome with evaporation. How to do the evaporation is to take a basin of hot water and then steam yourself with a blanket with a cloth or scabbard and place hot water in front of the basin, then face down right over the hot water, so that the water vapor exposed face. This is very effective greeting to relieve your body.

4. Using menthol aroma

Another way to overcome the flu problem is by using the aroma menthol under the nose. You can smear eucalyptus oil or menthol balsam on the nose especially under the nose. This can smooth the breathing and prevent irritation of the nose due to always out snot.

5. Gargle-gargle

Gargling is not meant to rinse like wudhuk, but berkujur with warm beads that have been mixed with mineral salt. Gargling with warm water will relieve tenggerokan. In addition to salt you can also add herbs seeprti clove, ginger.

6. Consumption of warm water

Warm water is important when you are attacked by the flu. You lose a lot of fluid through snot. Then you have to consume a lot of drinks, especially hot drinks, in addition to making the body stay awake dehydration, warm mnuman also relieve throat and chest.

7. Break total

This is an important thing you should do especially when the early phases of the flu. Preventing the flu problem with istilhat totoal can be said to be important. When the body is weak, the body must be restored or restored to the immune system so that it can keep the body and heal the fever or the flu that attack.

8. Consumption of fruits and vegetables

Eating fruits and vegetables is a necessary thing not only when you are attacked by the flu, but on a regular basis you also need to consider this way. By consuming fruits and vegetables the body will quickly restore its energy and immunity will quickly return pullih.

9. Exhale from the nose

If during the flu you feel the nasal congestion, then you have to do this way, that is by closing the mouth and blowing the wind from the nose, but be careful also in doing so, the goal is for the snot to come out perfectly and you can breathe again as usual.

10. Chili consumption

Chili is a type of food that contains capsaicin, this is an important compound in chili that is useful for cleaning the nasal cavity. If you are more flu, try to eat food with a sprinkling of chili or spicy pepper on it, this can help you to recover quickly from the flu.

Here are 10 ways to deal with flu problems that often attack. The flu can affect anyone from children to adults. Keep always health especially when musm uncertain or transition season

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