
4 Dangers of Wearing Make Up During Sports

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We still want to look beautiful always yes? Wherever we go we want to look beautiful. How? Of course, wearing makeup as a makeup everyday. For most women makeup is already like a staple. Wherever you go it is incomplete if you do not wear makeup. It seems there are less so to be not confident.

His name also wants to look beautiful then wear make up legitimate. But remember, there are certain activities that make up can actually be a bad influence when used lho. One of them is when exercising.

Some women may still have who likes to wear makeup when exercising especially when exercising in public places of course with more confidence reasons. But do you know? Wearing makeup while exercising can even be dangerous lho? What harm can be caused by wearing makeup while exercising?

Causes acne and blackheads

None of us will be attacked by acne right? Well, wearing makeup when exercising can be one of the most potential causes of acne. Why?

When we exercise we release more sweat. Sweat needs pores for the way out. Unfortunately, our pores are covered by the makeup foundation we use. As a result the sweat can not come out smoothly and become trapped in the pores mixed with the substances contained in the makeup.

This condition can then develop into acne or blackheads. Do you really want to have a pimply face later just because you don't have confidence in the look without makeup when exercising?

White spot on the eye area (milia)

In addition to acne and blackheads, wearing makeup during exercise can also cause a white nodule in the area around the eyes called milia. Just like acne. This is caused by the pores that are covered by eye shadow on the eyes so that sweat cannot come out

Eye irritation due to convex makeup

Sweat that flows a lot during exercise can also cause makeup to wear off. The most dangerous thing is make up on the eye like eye shadow. The eye shadow can fade and then drain by sweat and enter the eye.

The short-term effect that is produced may only be redness and a slightly poignant taste, but after a long time it can cause irritation to the eyes and more serious eye damage because the eye shadow contains chemicals that can be dangerous for the inner eye.

Cause inflammation

Wearing makeup during exercise can also trigger an inflammation of the skin that is injured because the chemicals from the makeup into the skin due to the sweat.

Inflammation can occur on the part of the face with acne, or scars. Besides that it can also cause irritation, especially for those who have sensitive skin.


Well, that's 4 bad effects of make up when exercising. After all, what are you wearing make up during sports? Exercise drain the sweat, so the edges make up you so faded. If faded it's not a pretty plus but our face even so messy. Imagine that part of our eyes is blackened because the mascara marks are faded.

The use of blush on is also very unnecessary. Later when you exercise, your face blushes alone. So to avoid the bad effects above, before doing the exercise, first delete the make up.

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