
6 characteristics of male genital disease is very dangerous

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Male genital disease is a condition that should be wary and prevented as early as possible. Unfortunately, some of these diseases can not be detected easily because they are not preceded by any symptoms.

Applying a healthy lifestyle, among others by not changing the couple, is the best way to prevent this disease. But no matter how we keep ourselves, there are times when contagion can occur from an unfaithful partner. Using latex condoms may reduce the risk of sexually transmitted diseases.

To help with the detection and anticipation steps, it helps you to recognize these common types of male genital diseases!

Male Genital Disease Caused by Infection

Health disorders that attack the genital organs often occur due to bacterial or viral infection. This condition of course should not be allowed and should immediately get proper treatment from a doctor.

Before treating it, try to identify some types of infections that may affect the following male genitals:

1. Chlamydia

The most common male sexually transmitted disease is due to chlamydial bacteria transmitted through sexual intercourse through vagina, analseks, or oral. Unfortunately, this condition is usually not characterized by any symptoms.

If any, the symptoms are felt a few weeks after infection. Observed symptoms can be:

  • Swelling and pain in the testes.
  • Pain during urination.
  • Exit yellow or cloudy liquid from the mouth of the penis.
  • Lower abdominal pain.
  • Once treated with antibiotics for cough, this condition can subside at least within a week.

2. Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea is transmitted by sexual intercourse from the vagina, anal, or oral. This bacterial infection can affect the urinary tract, anus, and throat.

Like chlamydia, most people with gonorrhea do not experience any symptoms. But in some people, this venereal disease can cause:

  • Pain during urination.
  • Swelling or redness at the tip of the penis.
  • The release of clear or cloudy liquid at first and then turned into yellowish, sometimes even accompanied by blood.

3.Herpes Simplex

In addition to attacking the genital organs, herpes simplex virus can also cause symptoms in the mouth. In the genital organs, the herpes simplex virus is transmitted by contact from an infected person through oral sex or intimate contact.

Generally, those with male genital disease experience symptoms such as:

  • Missing appetite.
  • The presence of blisters on the penis, or around the thighs, buttocks, and anus.
  • Knee, thigh, buttock, and lower back muscles are painful.
  • Fever and feeling unwell.
  • Lymph nodes in the groin feel sore and swollen.
  • The skin on the wound area feels itchy, burning, and tingling.
  • This genital herpes can generally be treated with antivirals. Other symptoms are alleviated with symptomatic medication.
This genital herpes can generally be treated with antivirals. Other symptoms are alleviated with symptomatic medication.

4. Syphilis

Syphilis is called a serious male genital disease. The disease has four distinct phases: primary, secondary, latent, and tertiary with each symptom.

In the primary phase, the person experiencing this condition may feel swollen lymph nodes, and there is a small, painless lesion in the area of the body where bacteria enter such as the anus, lips, or the penis. In this phase the patient may not even know the onset of the lesion.

If not treated immediately, this condition can cause serious complications such as damage to the nervous system, brain, heart, joints, and other parts of the body, even years after infection. Furthermore, the risk of syphilis is increased in anal sex.

5. HPV

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a group of viruses that are partly potentially harmful and some are not. This virus can be transmitted through anal contact, oral, or intercourse with an infected person. In men, this virus can cause cancer in the penis, throat, or anus.

HPV infection in men can be characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Warts appear on the throat or mouth.
  • Appears genital warts are shaped like a mound of cauliflower-shaped meat.
There is currently no examination to detect the possibility of HPV infection in men. Genital warts are generally treated with medicines that are applied, can also be removed through several procedure options.

6. Candidiasis

Male genital disease caused by yeast infection is candidiasis. Although somewhat less common than bacterial infections, men can also experience this condition.

If you have sex with a woman infected with Candida sp. without using a condom, you are vulnerable to it. Early symptoms of penile candidiasis are characterized by a reddish or white rash, to the scarred skin tissue of the penis and the wound.

Damp conditions and poor hygiene factors are the ideal mildew to evolve. That is the reason why clumps of fungi can be found under the foreskin or skin folds around the penis suffering from candidiasis.

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