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Breast cancer is a very deadly disease. This disease is feared by all women in the world. The reason, this disease every year has become killing many women both young and old. This cancer grows from cells that divide uncontrollably in the female breast. However, not long ago this disease has also been found in men. This means that breast cancer not only attacks women but also men.

Breast Cancer Homomancer, Recognize Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
Breast cancer is a very deadly disease. This disease is feared by all women in the world. The reason, this disease every year has become killing many women both young and old. This cancer grows from cells that divide uncontrollably in the female breast. However, not long ago this disease has also been found in men. This means that breast cancer not only attacks women but also men.


Hope cured someone who suffered from breast cancer is relatively small. But that does not mean this cancer can not be cured at all. Experts continue to conduct a variety of research to find ways and drugs to treat breast cancer.

Breasts are a very important part for every woman. Therefore every woman should be able to recognize the possibility of abnormalities in one part of this body, such as breast cancer. The following article will give a little picture of this deadly cancer, so it can help in early detection.


Before discussing how to detect or how to treat breast cancer, we first know about what actually breast cancer.

Breast cancer is a disease that occurs due to uncontrolled growth of breast cells. Cancer occurs as a result of a mutation process, or an abnormal change in the gene responsible for regulating cell growth and keeping it in normal and healthy condition. Sometimes the performance of the cells is out of control. Cells divide into many cells and clump, and are commonly called tumors. If the tumor in this breast area develops into a malignant tumor, this condition is referred to as breast cancer disease.


As described above, this breast cancer appears beginning with the abnormal cell growth. Early growth of abnormal cells can grow from any part of the breast. Some of them are attacking the ductal or luberal part. Then after that, the abnormal cells that grow and spread to the breast or other body. Breast cancer can spread when cancer cells enter the blood or lymph system and are carried to other parts of the body. If cancer cells have spread to the lymph nodes, it is possible that the cells may spread through the lymphatic system and spread (metastasize) to other parts of the body.


Breast cancer is one of the most deadly diseases. If treatment and treatment are done late, then the disease may progress to a worse stage. The chances of recovery are relatively small. Therefore, early detection is absolutely done. Early handling will increase the chances of recovery.

Here are some ways of early detection of breast cancer you can do:

Check Your Own Breasts

The easiest way and can be done anytime is check your own breasts. Check all the parts that are on the part of your breast. Press gently into all parts of the breast, check whether there is something strange or not. One of the things that you should be aware of is if you find a lump in the breast. However, not all lumps are symptoms of cancer, there are several lump criteria that must be known that the lump is small, does not move, only on one side and if the squeeze out of white liquor

If you find a lump, see your doctor immediately for a medical checkup. The doctor will do some checks to diagnose whether you have breast cancer or not. If necessary, the doctor will request a follow-up examination using a CT scan or MRI. Can also use laser light.

To perform early detection, you need to recognize the symptoms of this disease. These general symptoms can be a guide and guide for you. Here are some symptoms of breast cancer that you can detect yourself:

There's a Breast Lump
Exit the white liquid from the nipple
Breasts slightly enlarged
Breast skin contracts with prominent pores
Reddened breast area
Pain on the side of the breast
Some of the above symptoms are only an early symptom. While breast cancer is advanced stage, the symptoms are no longer just around the breast but felt by the body as a whole. Well as for some further symptoms that include:

Out of breath
Bone pain
Great headache
Loss of appetite
Weight loss
Problems with vision


Although breast cancer classified as one of the dangerous and severe disease, but it does not mean can not be treated. There are many methods that are now offered and trusted to solve the problem. But keep in mind, the success rate of treatment depends on the stage of cancer itself. It would be better if the treatment is done early on when the cancer is still in the early stages. If the cancer is already in an advanced stage, then the treatment will be more difficult. Even if there is, usually the fee to be paid is quite expensive because they have to perform the process of surgery or medical chemotherapy in particular.

One method that can be selected is the way cancer treatment naturally. This method is very good but it takes a gradual time to get rid of. There are several ways you can do one of them consume natural herbal ingredients that have been tested and trusted. As for some ingredients that can be used as a natural cancer treatment herbs are extract of mangosteen skin, soursop leaves, turmeric, tread virgin and also others.

If you decide to consume herbal cancer drug products, make sure the product has already received an official license from BPOM. This is important, so you avoid the possibility of danger that can happen.

Medical Breast Cancer Treatment
In addition to natural treatments, other methods that can be selected to treat cancer is by medical means. This medical treatment has many advantages and yet also has flaws. The advantages are relatively faster treatment outcomes, but the effects sometimes have adverse side effects that may occur. Chemotherapy is a method that is often done in the treatment of cancer medically, as well as several other methods.

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