
tips how to cure malignant cancer | klinik33 alternatif

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Cancer is the growth of cells of body tissue that is not normal, growing rapidly, uncontrollably, and will continue to divide, then infiltrate into the network around (invasive) and continue to spread through connective tissue, blood, and attack the important organs and nerves spine. These developing cells will accumulate, push and damage the occupied tissues and organs. This new cell buildup is called malignant tumor.

The term tumor is more or less a synonym of the term neoplasm. All of the term tumor is defined simply as swelling or clot, and sometimes the term "true tumor" is used to distinguish neoplasms with other clots. Neoplasms can be distinguished by their properties; there is a benign, some are ferocious

Cancer is often known by the community as a tumor, but not all tumors are cancerous. Tumor is all lumps are not normal or abnormal. Tumors are divided into 2 groups, namely benign tumors and malignant tumors. Cancer is a common term for all types of malignant tumors

Cancer can affect everyone, in every part of the body, and in all gologan ages, but more often happen to people aged 40 years.

Generally before the cancer extends or damages surrounding tissue, the patient does not feel any complaints or symptoms. When there are already complaints or symptoms, usually the disease is advanced.
The following general tips are difficult and tough to run completely because of the environmental conditions around us and our emotions are less supportive to be cancer-free.

1. Avoid stress, sadness, pessimism, depression, and others that are negative and change your mental concepts to be positive as stress free, optimistic, happy, proactive, and others. Negative inner brushes can increase the body's preferred acid levels of cancer.

2. Run a healthy diet plan by maintaining ideal body weight where there is a match between weight and height. If you need to live just a vegetarian diet is a diet that relies on the intake of natural vegetable nutrition such as nuts, grains, vegetables and fruits.

3. Pay attention to the foods we eat and the drinks we drink every day. High fiber beverage foods, containing green vegetables, free of chemicals and little animal fat will help us to eradicate and prevent cancer cells that endanger us.

4. Foods that are processed by burned and smoked contain many free radical substances that trigger cancer. Should multiply process the food by boiling. For vegetables should not be cooked for too long so that the nutrient content is not much damaged by hot temperatures.

5. Limit the use of sugar and salt in our food and drink because basically something excessive is not good. Change our tastes from tasteless / tasteless, salty and sweet to bitter and sour. Do not mix too much chemicals in our food.
6. Consume substances that are able to prevent or fight cancer is good for our bodies such as vitamin A, Vitamin C, green tea, and others that contain antioxidants. Too many vitamins and other substances are not good for our body, so we must continue to pay attention to the limits of our nutrient content so as not to lack or excess.

7. Change our lifestyle for the better by not using drugs, not smoking, not drinking alcoholic beverages that damage health. Replace the bad habits with the good like eating fresh vegetables or fruit and clean.

8. With regular exercise, our body will be rich in oxygen which is very unlikely cancer because cancer is very fond of host that is not much oxygen.

9. Maintain our environmental conditions from cancer-causing problems such as polluted air pollution can accumulate free radicals such as smoke and dust. Other pollution can also make us stress that also trigger the growth of cancer cells.

You are suffering from cancer [Breast Cancer, Brain Cancer, Uterine Cancer, Oral Cancer, Throat Cancer, Lung Cancer, Digestive Gastric Cancer, Colon Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Bladder Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Testicular Cancer, Cancer Blood (Leukemia)]

Do not despair, fight your cancer

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