
Characteristics of Cyst Disease - Symptoms, Causes, Treat - Healthy Doctor

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Cysts are a health problem due to an enlarged organ and contain fluid, such as a balloon that contains water.The cause of cysts in women is the organ that most often becomes a cyst is an ovary. There is no stipulation of whether the left or right ovaries often become cysts. In most cases, cysts are diseases that do not require surgery for healing.Nonetheless, knowledge of what cystic disease is a thing to be known in detail by every woman who cares about her health. The presence of cyst disease in women can be one serious health disorder to interfere with daily activities, especially if a woman suffering from cyst disease is experiencing month or menstrual period.

Every woman has 2 right and left ovaries. Normal size of walnut seed. Each ovary contains thousands of young eggs, often called follicles. Each month the follicle is enlarged and one of them enlarges very quickly and becomes a mature egg.In the event of ovulation, these mature eggs come out of the ovaries and move into the uterus through the fallopian tubes. If the mature egg is not fertilized, the follicle will shrink and disappear within 2-3 weeks and will continue to repeat according to the menstrual cycle in a woman. Cysts are a disturbance in the process of ovulation.

Causes of Cysts in Women
After knowing what a cyst is, let's explore more about the cause of cysts in women. Most commonly, the cause of the cyst is a tumor genetic conditions infection In certain cases, the cause of the cyst is an error in embryonic development cell defects Very severe inflammation Parasite injury Most causes of cysts are benign tumors because of obstruction in the body's natural drainage system. However, some cyst diseases can be tumors that grow in a tumor. 4 Kinds of Cysts in Women
After knowing what is a cyst disease in women, of course you must know the type of cyst disease. Cyst disease is a disease that can be divided into 4 types of ovarian cysts: Ovarian cyst (functional cyst), dermoid, chocolate (endometriosis) and gland cyst (cystadenoma). 1. Ovarian Cyst Disease (Functional Cyst)
Ovarian cyst disease is a bag of fluid that settles in the female ovary. The ovaries are part of the female reproductive system so that the disorders of this part of the body are called ovarian cysts. Ovarian cyst cell type cyst functional is a common cyst disease and can disappear by itself as time passes. However, pathological cysts have cancer properties.

2. Dermoid Cyst Disease

Dermoid cyst disease is a pouch that forms on the skin of a woman's body, composed of skin tissue structures, sweat glands, hair follicles, nerve tissue, or teeth.

Dermoid cysts are shaped like a lump on the skin surface.

3. Chicken Cyst Disease Endometriosis

Chocolate Cysts Endometriosis is called a brown cyst because the symptoms are characterized by the presence of reddish brown liquid.

4. Cystadenoma Gland Cyst

Cystadenoma gland cyst disease is a benign tumor that appears to the surface of a large ovary.

Most cystic diseases in women are cases that appear asymptomatic cysts and are known by chance at the doctor's checkup. In his experience, he knew that he had ovarian cysts usually during check-ups or checks for other reasons.

Typical symptoms that arise in case of cyst disease are:
Symptoms of Ovarian Cyst (Functional Cyst)
Often appear without symptoms of cysts. Pain symptoms appear when accompanied by complications such as twisted or broken, but these complications are very rare. This functional cyst is most common and very rare in two ovaries. It can shrink itself in 1-3 months time. Symptoms of Dermoid Cysts
The cause of dermoid cyst disease is due to tissue in unfertilized eggs. Then grow into several tissues such as hair, bone and fat. Cysts can occur in two ovaries and are usually asymptomatic. Cyst symptoms arise in the form of pain when the cyst twisted or broken. Symptoms of Chocolate Cyst (endometrioma)
The cause of endometrioma type cyst disease is the inner lining of the uterus (which is usually peeled off during menstruation and visible out of the genitalia), not located in the uterus but attached to the outer wall of the ovary. As a result of this event every time menstruation, the layer produces menstrual blood, which will continue to accumulate and become cysts. This cyst can be on one or two ovaries. The main cyst symptoms arise, especially during menstrual pain or sexual intercourse. Symptoms of Kistadenoma
Derived from an ovary wrap that grows into a cyst. This type of cyst can also attack the right and left ovaries. Symptoms of cysts that arise usually due to the emphasis on the body around like bladder can cause a kind of "beser". Is cyst disease a dangerous disease?
After knowing what is a cyst disease and cyst symptoms in women, the most important question arises about cyst disease, namely whether cyst disease is a dangerous disease. One of the dreaded dangers of cyst disease is if the cyst becomes malignant. Although not all cysts easily become malignant. Based on theoretical studies, functional cysts are most common and very rarely malignant. Conversely kistadenoma is rare but easily become malignant, especially at age above 45 years or less than 20 years. Another danger of cyst disease is when twisted. This incident will cause great pain and require emergency measures to prevent cysts from breaking. If the cyst to break can cause things that are very dangerous for the patient. One of the best suggestions for early detection of cysts is to regularly see a doctor periodically, watch for symptoms of cysts, and avoid activities that can cause cysts so that a woman can anticipate the possibility of health problems in the body, including anticipating the cause of cysts in women.

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