
How To Use A Herbal Plant Which Is Useful To Cure Disease | healthy continues

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In the article that I will make kalini, I will share tips for you, about 6 Herbal Plants Which Are Useful To Cure Lung Disease What are some herbal plants, let us look at the same. But before you take the steps to do the treatment, it would be nice you first identify the disease. The lungs are part of the respiratory system, a group of organs and tissues that work together to help breathe.

The main work of the respiratory system is to transfer oxygen (O2) into the body and remove carbon dioxide (Co2). Human lung is a pair of large organs optimized for gas exchange between blood and air. Our bodies need oxygen to survive. The lungs give human oxygen important while also removing carbon dioxide before it can reach dangerous levels.

Wet lung disease is a type of disease in which the person has too much moisture or enter the water into the lungs. The occurrence of wet lung disease begins with a respiratory system disorder, resulting in water or fluid in the lungs that exaggerate and damage the lung system. In the medical world wet lung disease is commonly known as bronchitis disease.

This disease may be a fairly serious disease because it can cause death, so not infrequently many people avoid this disease by regulating a healthy lifestyle. Victory of this disease can be done with research and treatment provided by the doctor. In addition, you can also treat or treat natural lung disease with natural medicines and make it very easy.

Symptoms of pneumonia vary from mild to severe, depending on factors such as the type of germ that causes the infection, and your overall age and health. Mild signs and symptoms are often similar to flu or flu, but last longer.

Signs and symptoms of pneumonia include:

  • Chest pain when you breathe or cough.
  • Confusion or altered mental consciousness (in adults aged 65 and older).
  • Cough, which can cause sputum.
  • Fatigue.
  • Fever, sweating and shivering.
  • Lower than normal body temperature (in adults older than age 65 and people with weakened immune systems).
  • Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.
  • Hard to breathe.

Newborns and infants may show no signs of infection. Or they may vomit, fever and cough, seem restless or tired and without energy, or have trouble breathing and eating.

Types and Causes of Lungs Wet Lung If further explored, there are five main types of wet lung, this grouping is tailored to the cause:
  • Pneumonia - Bacteria Wet lungs because bacteria can attack anyone at any age. May just appear or be preceded by a serious cold. The most common cause of bacterial pneumonia is streptococcus pneumoniae. Can also be caused by Chlamydophila pneumonia or Legionella pneumophila.
  • Viral Pneumonia In most cases, respiratory viruses can also cause wet lung, especially in children and the elderly. This type of pneumonia is usually not serious and lasts in a short time. However, flu viruses can cause pneumonia to become severe or fatal. It is very dangerous for pregnant women or people with heart or lung problems.
  • Mycoplasma Pneumonia. Mycoplasma is neither virus nor bacteria, but these organisms have common characteristics of both. For mycoplasma commonly causes mild cases of wet lung, most common in school-age children and young adults.
  • Types of Other Wet Lungs Many other types of pneumonia are affecting individuals with weak immune systems. Tuberculosis and Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) generally commonly affect people with AIDS. In fact, PCP can be one of the first signs of AIDS.


Who is most at risk of Wet Lung Paru? In general, none are immune to wet lung, but there are several factors that can increase the risk:

  • Stroke with problems on swallowing reflex or cough.
  • Age: Newborns up to two years of age are at higher risk of pneumonia, as in elderly people 65 or older.
  • Weak immune system: This includes people taking steroids and anti-cancer drugs over long periods of time. Also in people with HIV, AIDS, or cancer.
  • Drug abuse: This includes excessive alcohol consumption and smoking. Certain diseases: Asthma, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, and heart failure can increase the risk of wet lung.

HOW TO PREVENT WET MARKERS How to Prevent Wet Lungs? Anyone with diabetes, asthma, and other severe or chronic health problems, has a higher risk of getting pneumonia. However, in many cases, it can be prevented, one with a vaccine against the bacteria that causes the wet lungs. Changes in behavior to quit smoking will also be very influential in reducing the risk of pneumonia.
  • Getting vaccinated. There is no vaccine for most types of wet lung, but there are two most common types (influenza and pneumococcus viruses) that can be prevented by vaccines. In Canada, pneumococcal vaccines developed for children to protect against diseases caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae are recommended as part of a major series of immunizations for infants. The pneumococcal vaccine is also recommended for those over 65, chronic heart and lung disease, and those whose spleen has been removed.
  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, stay fit physically, and get enough sleep. This will keep your immune system strong.
  • Preventing wet lungs is to go to a doctor if you have a cough that continues to deteriorate after 3 or 4 days. Your doctor will soon see phlegm with blood, strange color, or foul-smelling. Even if the disease starts with a fever, bacteria can easily lead to secondary infections that can cause serious wet lung.
  • Limiting the spread of viruses and bacteria that can cause wet lungs is to frequently wash hands properly, or use a hand sanitizer.
And below, there are 6 plants that you can make as wet lung media. Natural plants without worrying about side effects refer to the following information:

Here are some Traditional Lung Medicinal Plants that can be another alternative treatment that you should try to treat wet lung disease. Approximately what plants can be used as a drug for lungs, all the information will be presented complete on our site. Modern Dizaman and advanced technology now turns more and more days more and more they are interested in treating illness or health complaints in a natural way or using herbal ingredients that have been provided by nature. Tend to today's people who are interested in using natural ingredients to help the process of penyembuan because natural materials is more safe if consumed in the long term and effective course. 1. Using turmeric Turmeric is a herb that is clearly useful for various health problems and one of them can be used as a lung medicine wet. Its antibacterial and antiviral properties are the flagship of turmeric so as to eradicate the infection as well as launch the respiratory system. The trick: Combine turmeric powder into mustard oil to make pasta dough and after pasta so, apply directly to the chest. Or, it could be a teaspoon of turmeric powder mixed well into a glass of warm milk which can then be consumed 2-3 times a day. Alternatively, 1 ¼ teaspoon of black pepper powder and 1 ½ turmeric powder can be added to a glass of warm water to drink once a day. 2. Using Flower Shoes Not many people know that shoe flowers can also be used as herbal remedies for those who suffer from wet lungs or pneumonia. How to use it is easy so that every patient who wants to treat pneumonia traditionally or naturally can take advantage of this shoe flower. How: Just provide 2 shoots of flowers as well as salt as necessary as well as boiled water as much as 2 cups. Flower shoes that have been prepared can be washed thoroughly then you can mash up to really smooth. The finished collision can be mixed into a glass of water that has been boiling. Add a little salt which you can then proceed with filtering. Potions ready to drink every day 3 times. 3. Using Leaf Pegagan Leaf pegagan widely used to treat many health problems, not to mention wet lung disease. If you want to use traditional medicine, then do not miss this material because it has been trusted for a long time and its use is very easy. How: Leaf pegagan you need to prepare is as much as 29 grams, along with 15 g of ginger. Also provide 500 ml of water where all the ingredients are boiled first and boil until the water is half the water. Pick up and drink in warm conditions twice a day on a regular basis. After 2 weeks you drink it, will definitely improve. 4. Using Peanuts Wet lungs can also be treated with other natural ingredients, ie peanuts. Not many are likely to know this, but once you know, it could not hurt to try so that the wet lungs can heal well without side effects. How: To be prepared is a peanut skin as much as 27 grams along with brown sugar as needed. Red sugar can be added to the peanut skin that has been boiled. Boiling potions can be removed and drunk to treat wet lungs. For maximum cure, please drink it twice a day and every day. 5. Plant Ciplukan Cimplukan actually quite easy to find even though the name is not so popular or still foreign to some people. This plant is most often found in gardens or fields around the house and its use as a drug of wet lung was not so difficult. How: To use it, you first need to remove the fruit, but others you can use. Wash ciplukan plants in addition to the fruit until clean and continue to boil until boiling water. The water is what you need to drink when it's colder 3 times a day every day. Drink as much as 1 cup each time until the wet lungs get better and heal properly. 6. Tallean Chicks The benefits of the leaves of gotu kola many of them to treat wet lung disease. To make the potion quite easy. First of all, give 29 grams of leaf pegagan, and ginger as much as 15 grams. Then, make a leaf pegagar and ginger thin. Then you both go into the water with a dose of 500 cc. Then, cook until the water becomes half. Thus the herbs that can be used for therapeutic treatment of lung disease. So the article I made about how to cure lung disease, may be useful for you and can help you in the healing period. For the treatment of pulmonary disease you can see below. Thanks

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