
guide how to create a natural mask for a bright face

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Not only the face, the eye area also requires special treatment. the area is really very thin skin, therefore the elasticity is easily lost. When you are tired or lack of sleep, then get a health problem, the signs are visible and appear most clearly in your eyes like eyes and examples must often not not sleep. That's why you must be diligent in taking care of him. One is

by utilizing and wearing a very regular eye mask and break avoid too late night so your eyes do not lead to the discharge of panda eyes

In the pasara now here. now it has begun many effective eye mask products. But it would not hurt if you try to mix your own eye mask in the house. Not only cucumbers and tea bags, there are many other natural materials that can make your eyes look better.

Here are the tips and tricks tips techniques for you! make a natural mask, see below

coconut oil

Who would have thought if the coconut oil was really the most powerful in eliminating the circle of eye bags, how to Put a little coconut oil on the hands then you use to massage the eye area. This treatment is safe for you who are interested in doing it every day


Take a fresh piece of potato, then paste the second eyelid during 15-20 minutes. The gum in the potato flesh can bleach a very cold effect and brighten the skin around your eyes.

milk powder

then Mix 1 tablespoon milk powder, full cream then mix with honey. after it Apply on the peripheral of your eyes. Let stand for 15-10 minutes to seep into the skin. This mask can brighten the skin around the eyes altogether without irritation and secure  use

Pineapple and turmeric

You can make pineapple and turmeric as ingredients for your eye mask. Keep mixing pineapple and turmeric that you have puree then apply on the skin around your eyes.

then Let stand for 30 min and rinse with water. Do it with care here. do it every day for 2 weeks then see the difference and its content.

natural ingredients are very useful for your use as the main ingredients of care, than you must use or use material products factories are not yet clear level of security, if you make your own is certainly very bright and true level of security.

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