
this is the signs of a week before giving birth | health and beauty

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Here are the signs that the mother will give birth, you must know when you are pregnant elderly. when you know it so you will provide information if these signs you feel to the husband to accompany you when you will give birth without having to wait for your husband when you give birth.

this is the Signs of a week before giving birth there are several kinds. Starting from the baby's head and body increasingly pressing the organs in the mother's stomach. so that changes that Mother feel due to hormonal changes pregnancy. Do not be surprised if you feel a variety of discomfort in yourself before the day you give birth.


First signs of a week before delivery appear usually the fetus that will decline into the pelvic space, especially for the mother who was pregnant with the first child. Even this can happen 2 weeks before your time of delivery will arrive. Actually for some mothers, ie those who have never given birth before, the new fetus will decrease at 3 to 4 days before delivery. You can feel that your fetus is now down even touching your pelvis. Your stomach will be more visible smaller and the top of your stomach is now no longer touch the breast.

A. Increasing Urinary Frequency

Makin Kian tua umur kehamilan, jadi semakin besar pula janin yang Anda kandung. Janin yang semakin besar jadi menekan kandung kemih yang berada di perut Kamu sehingga memberikan efek yang kurang enak, yaitu ibu hamil akan semakin hampir sering merasa ingin berkemih walau air urin yang dikeluarkan hanya sedikit. Jangan  pernah menahan keinginan berkemih. namun ikutilah dorongan ini agar ibu terhindar dari  kondisi infeksi pada saluran kemih.

Rasa Nyeri Punggung dan Pinggang

By the time of delivery, the fetus descends further down to your pelvis. This causes signs of 1 week before delivery in the form of pain in the lower back, waist and in your pelvic area. The head or lower period of the fetus in your uterus will squeeze the muscles around your back, the waist muscles and the muscles that form the floor of your pelvic floor. Maybe you will feel pain or feel uncomfortable inside these areas

that's a sign tan you need to know when setu weeks before delivery so your husband ready siga when welcoming your birthday
and when it's happiness you come with your baby let alone the first time you give birth definitely sangaat happy.

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