
Health Info What Causes Excessive Whitish

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Whitish is the name for the fluid that comes out of the vagina. Most women produce normal vaginal fluids each day. The characteristics of whiteness are normal or physiological whiteness is a clear or white color, and accompanied by a little odor or no smell at all.

Whitish is a natural process of the body. Normal vaginal discharge can protect against vaginal dryness, provide lubrication during intercourse, and help prevent vaginal infections and urinary tract infections.

The cause of excessive whiteness

There are various causes of excessive whiteness. The condition can occur when normal whiteness, or when experiencing abnormal whiteness.

1. Whitish normal or physiological

The amount, consistency, and color of whiteness varies from woman to woman. Menstruation, use of contraception, and menopause can affect vaginal fluids. Vaginal discharge or vaginal fluids may be more numerous during fertile, pregnant, breastfeeding, including when women are sexually aroused. While the opposite, when menopause vaginal fluid will become less so that can occur in the vaginal dryness.

Most women experience excessive vaginal discharge during the fertile period. This is normal because of hormonal changes in the body that is affected by the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Here's an explanation of the vaginal fluid during the menstrual cycle:

- Day 1-5: when very little whitish periods may appear.

- Day 6-8: the amount of estrogen in the body decreases, so the liquid becomes more viscous, white, and can still be accompanied by a little blood remaining menstruation.

- Day 9-12: towards the fertile period, the amount of estrogen in the body increases. The texture of the vaginal fluid becomes creamy like lotion and the amount also increases.

- Day 13-14: ovulation or fertile period. The vaginal discharge that comes out will be similar to the egg white, which is clear, slippery, sticky, and plentiful. This is to help make sperm easier to meet the egg.

- Day 15-28: the hormone progesterone increases. The liquid returns to thickness and the longer it gets it will slowly disappear.

However, keep in mind if only caused by the fertile period, then the whiteness will not be accompanied by complaints such as bad odor, discoloration, or itching.

2. Abnormal vaginal discharge

Although basically whitish is a normal thing, but in some conditions whiteness can be a sign of a disorder or infection (pathological vaginal discharge). Excessive whiteness, discoloration or consistency, accompanied by unpleasant odor, itching, pelvic pain, pain during intercourse, or pain during urination is a sign of infection or other health disorders. If this happens, you should immediately consult an obstetrician in order to be given appropriate treatment.

Below are some of the causes of excessive whiteness in the event of abnormal whitish conditions:

Sexually transmitted infections

Excessive vaginal discharge can be caused by gonorrhea or chlamydia infection. This infection occurs due to unprotected sex with an infected partner, especially if there is a history of frequent sexual partners. Symptoms are excessive whiteness with a fishy or stinging smell, and itching and burning in the vagina. This infection requires antibiotic treatment.

● Fungal infections

Growth of the fungus in the vagina can cause fungal infections with excessive white milk whitish symptoms, and clumps. This infection requires antifungal treatment.

● Using the IUD

The intrauterine device (IUD) is a contraceptive device directly inserted into the uterus. Sometimes, the use of an IUD may cause excessive whiteness. This is due to the body's response to foreign matter. As long as leucorrhoea is not accompanied by odor, discoloration, pelvic or itchy pain, you need not worry.

● Allergies

The use of vaginal cleansers, lubricants, condoms and so on can cause allergies in some women. If you have an allergy to the vagina, it can also appear excessive whiteness in response from the body. Therefore, stop the use of these devices if there is an allergy sign and immediately consult a doctor.

If you experience excessive vaginal discharge, do not panic immediately because basically this is a normal thing to happen. However, if excessive vaginal discharge is accompanied by discoloration and consistency, odor, itching or burning, and pain, visit a doctor immediately for appropriate and appropriate treatment. As a precaution, keep the vagina clean by using cotton underwear, and clean it from the front to the back.

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