
How To Overcome Liver Disease Naturally | healt

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How To Overcome Liver Disease Naturally

Natural Ways to Overcome Liver Disease Naturally by using spices that exist around us, liver disease or hepatitis that we are familiar with jaundice should be wary because if left without treatment will have a negative impact that can lead to death, there are many causes of liver disease such as because heredity, nutritional deficiency while still in the womb, metabolic system disorders or damage to the process of digestion, infection or the presence of bacteria, alcoholic beverages or frequent drinking soft drinks, have done internal surgery and side effects of chemical drugs that use continuously and from smoking.

Liver Disease Symptoms

Treating liver disease naturally must recognize the symptoms or changes in patients with liver disease or itself as for the symptoms are as follows: Skin sufferers experience changes in yellow, weight decreased drastically, loss of appetite, experienced nausea in the stomach, not good the body is weak, lethargic, sluggish and lackluster, tired, often experienced dizziness or muscle headache it feels sore, nosebleeds, stress, excessive vaginal discharge in women and experiencing curvature on the nails, body odor and stinging mouth.

How To Treat Liver Diseases Naturally

How to Treat Liver Diseases Naturally Treating liver diseases can naturally consume fresh vegetables and fruits such as cabbage or cabbage, carrots, beans, broccoli, apples, tomatoes, oranges, guava, papaya, avocados and star fruit or sweet.

In treating liver disease naturally, you should also pay attention to the daily diet, you should consume foods that contain lots of vitamins B6 and B12, liver and fish.

Treating liver diseases naturally also have to pay attention to foods that need to be avoided, the foods that contain lots of fat and foods that are burned or diasapin like satay and grilled chicken, try to avoid foods in the process of cow, goat, chicken, squid , crabs, shrimp, and shellfish.

Fruits are also there to avoid such as pineapple fruit, durian, jackfruit and belimbing vegetables, all foods that need to be avoided this if often consumed can lead to liver disease is kambung again also can slow the process of treatment during the Chronic Liver Treatment.

How To Treat Liver Diseases Naturally By Using Herbal Ingredients

The trick is with 1 / 4kg of temulawak thinly sliced ​​and then dried, try yellow because more useful than white with 3 sheets of soursop leaf in the dry to dry, after all the dry ingredients, then boiled with water 4 cups to 3 filter glass then add enough brown sugar to drink 3 times a day once drink 1 glass, do this routinely and every day until the liver disease is declared cured. In addition, it should be sunbathe in the morning between the hours of 7 to 9 for 30 minutes and do not do strenuous exercise because it will weaken the condition of the liver.

Those are some ways of treating Liver Diseases Naturally may be useful especially for you liver disease patients.

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