
natural and reliable home mask @healt natural way beuty

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 The face is indeed one of the most valuable assets for women. The face is clean, smooth and acne free of course very craved. To get this, a variety of ways will be done even if it has to drain the wallet.

In fact, in the midst of incessant promotion of modern cosmetics that offer instant solution, there are various traditional herbs of ancestral heritage that can be used as an alternative to get the natural beauty that coveted.

Who says facial treatment can only be done by a thick pocket person? We can also do it with the materials from the refrigerator. Is it posibble? Sure can dong. We live in a tropical country rich in fruits and vegetables and spices, all of which are good for health and have benefits for beauty..

Doing facial treatment on a regular basis by using a natural face mask of vegetables and fruits will produce a healthy skin face, healthy and glowing. The bonus is that these natural ingredients are easy to obtain in both traditional and modern markets, easily made and at an affordable price

Home-Based Mask For Face Care

For those of you who want to tighten facial skin, just mix the egg whites with lemon juice and let stand a moment in the refrigerator. Egg white will provide benefits in the form of skin tightening and lemon juice will provide an excellent effect to brighten the skin.

Still not enough? Want to reduce oil production on the face? Simply sliced ​​round cucumber vegetables, then apply on the face area. Let the cucumber water dry on your face. Let stand for one night. After that, rinse face with warm water. Make sure to clean the face properly. After that wash with cold water or ice water. Fresh and oil-free face will be yours.

Want kinclong face skin like Korean artist? Just use the face mask from the havermoot. Apply on the face that is often exposed to air pollution. Let stand a few minutes until dry and then wash with water at room temperature. Do it twice a week.

The face feels rough because of the pile of dead skin cells and acne scars? Do not worry, just by using a mask of honey and egg white will face back smoothly. This mask is made by mixing egg whites and a little pure honey, stirring until evenly then apply on face. Allow the mask to dry for about 10-15 minutes and wash with warm water.

Dark eye bags that make your face look older? Use coffee grounds or dyed tea bags. Paste in the dark areas of your eye bags. Let stand a few minutes then rinse.

Do you include people who like to do spa treatments? Start now save your money, just apply liquid milk disekujur body, do once a week then your skin will look charming.

It is important to remember that for the beauty of facial skin is maintained, in addition to facial treatment with a natural face mask, must be balanced with the treatment from within that is to meet the nutritional needs for the skin and sufficient water intake. Healthy lifestyle should also be applied by not smoking, stay away from alcohol and adequate rest.

May be useful.

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