
6 This disease is vulnerable to being experienced by Millennials

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klinik33 -Living in a productive age means being able to do many things that the elderly or young children cannot do. Yes, that's the advantage possessed by millennial generations. However, this does not mean that the millennial generation is free from the threat of various health problems. Because the lifestyle that is now lived by this generation can drag them to several diseases.

Reporting from The Wall Street Journal, antibiotics have now lost their effectiveness more quickly. On the other hand, more and more scientists are not responsible for creating, producing, and distributing new viruses from the combined results of several diseases. Just imagine, if many disease viruses do not have antidote, of course it will endanger the lives of various generations, especially the millennial generation.

On the other hand, quoted from Bustle and Reader’s Digest, there are also diseases that are not related to these two things but are still vulnerable to being experienced by millennials now and later. Some of these diseases are as follows:

1.Losing hearing ability faster

It is common knowledge that millennials are more often wearing everyday earphones, both to listen to music or not to be disturbed by others. In fact, too often wearing earphones in high volume can damage the function of the eardrum to cause loss of hearing ability before the elderly.

2.More prone to stomach disorders

Millennials are at a productive age, so they are more vulnerable to stress and headaches. This situation can indeed be overcome by taking drugs ibuprofen class. But unfortunately, these drugs can increase the risk of gastric disorders later on.


Busy young adults often underestimate nutritional intake. As long as it's nice and not complicated, everything is just eaten.

"Certainly, millennials will not refuse if they are served pizza, fried noodles, hamburgers, nuggets and fried chicken," explained Dr. Nadia Octavia from KlikDokter.

In fact, the more fat and sugar you consume, the higher the risk of the millennial generation being obese. If you have been exposed to obesity? The risk of developing other chronic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease will double.

4.Sexually transmitted disease

The existence of the phenomenon of free promiscuity that is now practiced by millennial generations also causes the rate of transmission of sexually transmitted diseases to be higher.

Reporting from Reader's Digest, the number of people with chlamydia rose by 6 percent from 2014, gonorrhea increased by 13 percent, and syphilis rose by 19 percent. Meanwhile, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), sexually active young adults tend not to use condoms as protectors. This certainly makes the risk of sexually transmitted diseases to be higher.

5.Anxiety disorder

According to Dr. Nitish Basant Adnani from KlikDokter, social media and technology can have a positive and negative impact on millennial generations. One of the negative effects of this is increased anxiety. The occurrence of this matter is generally triggered by the determination of an uncertain future and the competitive nature of this generation.


Reporting from Reader's Digest, a study from the CDC found that the risk of stroke in young men and women has increased in the last 20 years. Today, strokes can affect men aged 18 to 34 years. The cause is of course a bad lifestyle. Starting from the lack of fiber intake, smoking habits from a young age, forgetting exercise because it is too busy working, and obesity.

Well, that's a number of diseases that are vulnerable to millennial generations, both now and later. If you don't want to be experienced, change your lifestyle from now on.

Regardless of millennial generation or not, you are encouraged to adopt a healthy and active lifestyle. The trick, always active, keep your ideal weight, pay attention to nutrition, adequate rest, not too "crazy device" and often overtime, avoid promiscuity, and stay away from smoking and alcoholic beverages. Healthy behavior as early as possible will become your "savings" in the future.

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