
Alert Food Abstinence for Asthma Sufferers

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asthma is a type of long-term or chronic disease in the respiratory tract in humans who experience respiratory disorders characterized by inflammation and narrowing of the airways that are short of breath or have difficulty breathing.
besides being difficult to breathe it can cause chest pain and a coughing cough that is very great.

asthma can be suffered at all ages do not know young and old age this disease can attack all humans

Although the exact cause of asthma is not known clearly, but there are some things that often trigger it, such as cigarette smoke, dust, animal hair, physical activity, cold air, viral infection, or even exposure to chemicals.

Asthma complications

The following are the effects of asthma that can occur:

- Psychological problems (anxiety, stress, or depression).
- Decreased performance at school or at work.
- The body often feels tired.
- Impaired growth and puberty in children.
- Status asthmaticus (severe asthma condition that does not respond to normal therapy).
- Pneumonia.
- Respiratory failure.
- Damage to some or all of the lungs.
- Dead

Asthma must get regular treatment or treatment with the correct procedure. Ignoring asthma will only worsen the condition. Below are some kinds of dangers of asthma.

  • Asthma attacks that occur during sleep and can cause more severe conditions.
  • Acute respiratory problems due to narrowing of the respiratory tract become more severe.
  • Acute asthma that can cause death.

Abstinence from Food Asthma Sufferers

1. Egg

One of the restrictions on asthma related to food is egg consumption. For those of you who are allergic to eggs you should avoid this type of food because it can trigger asthma. If allergies are categorized as severe, then you should avoid consuming them so they don't trigger asthma symptoms that are so torturous.


Peanuts are classified as one type of food that can trigger asthma. This will be more happen to those who are allergic to peanuts. We recommend that you don't try to consume it if you don't want to experience very severe symptoms.
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3. Milk

This healthy drink should be avoided by people with asthma. This is because milk is classified as one type of beverage that can trigger allergies so that they are susceptible to developing asthma. Even better dairy products like cheese and yogurt are also avoided.

4. Mussels

This seafood is best avoided because shellfish is very susceptible to trigger asthma. Even not only shellfish, other seafood such as shrimp, crabs and others should be avoided because of the very potential allergies that develop asthma.

5. Instant food

Instant foods that contain preservatives, flavorings and artificial coloring should be avoided because of the risk of allergies that can cause asthma. Do not occasionally consume instant food because it is so very vulnerable in causing asthma.

so if you have asthma avoid five foods above so that chronic asthma must really keep your daily diet.

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